Hey hey my beautiful web friends, how are you all keeping? I'm trying to stave of the frustration of rainy summer days, but am getting quite fed up of all the thunder clouds as I have a box full of clothing waiting to have pictures taken so I can add them to the website, but getting them drenched would not be a great idea so please, someone send some sunshine this way so I can get on with photo taking!
I've made the most of the gloomy day by getting a few more gowns online for you all, they are all very beautiful (of course) so have a closer look by clicking on the links below :)
We've been having fab fun at home and the place is almost turning into a mini farmyard! We are now the proud owners of six very beautiful ex-battery hens. They are such lovely ladies and we were so proud of them - having come out of caged battery life and then being transported for an hour in back of the car to our place, the next morning three of them had still left us egg presents for our breakfast the next morning! Super stars!
We've had them a few weeks now and they have very much settled into the life of happy free ranging hens, scratching, dust bathing and running around flapping their wings gleefully :) They are all also very friendly and inquisitive, to the point where it can be quite difficult to check their nest boxes as they all come running over to see what I'm up to and its hard to move for chickens under my feet!
I did make the mistake of going into their run in flipflops with glittery nail polish on my toes - oh my how they liked the look of it and all crowded around to peck my toes! I was lucky to get out with my feet intact!
We also bought some chicks from a freind and one of the young roosters voices seems to be breaking at the moment in an embarrassing 'teenage' way, he is making chick cheep noises half the time and broken hooting noises the rest of the time, oh dear! No cock-a-doodle-dooing to wake us up quite yet but I'm sure it won't be long... hopefully I'll still think keeping chickens is a good idea when I've been woken up at 4am by a loud cockerel!
Kes has been very good around them and despite licking her lips a few times when they first arrived she has managed to control her urges, except if one gets too close and then she'll give it a shove with her snout - the chickens are apparently oblivious to her wolf heritage hehe :)